Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dehradun

World Cerebral Palsy 2024

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a term used to describe a problem with movement and posture that makes certain activities difficult. Even though someone who has cerebral palsy has problems moving his or her muscles, this is not because there is something wrong with the muscles or nerves. These difficulties are caused because of problems in the brain. The patient might have had an injury to the brain or had a brain that didn’t develop properly. These problems can affect the way the brain controls movement and posture. Simply stated, “Cerebral” refers to the brain, and “Palsy” refers to muscle weakness/poor control. Although the brain itself will not get worse, people who have cerebral palsy will usually change over time. Sometimes they will get better, and some patients will stay the same.

Occasionally they will get worse, usually because of contracture of the joints or changes in the muscle tone; there is currently no cure for cerebral palsy. but, there are different treatment options for people who have cerebral palsy.

These options include- physiotherapy, medications, surgery, education and support. By taking advantage of one or more of these options, people with cerebral palsy can learn to improve their function and the quality of their lives.


Prenatal causes –An unborn child might have suffered a brain injury, an infection, or abnormal development of the brain tissue. These are called “prenatal” causes, meaning they happen before birth. These causes are responsible for about 70% of the cases of cerebral palsy.

Natal causes-20% of cerebral palsy cases are caused by a brain injury that takes place during the birthing process.

Postnatal causes- about 10% of children who have cerebral palsy get it after they are born. This is called “acquired cerebral palsy.”(The figures are higher in undeveloped countries.) Acquired cerebral palsy happens when there is brain damage during the first few months or years of life. This damage can be caused by brain infections, like bacterial meningitis or viral encephalitis. It can also be caused by a head injury — usually from a motor vehicle accident, a fall, or child abuse during the first few years of life when brain development is still taking place.

Associated problems with CP-

  • Speech defect
  • Sensory defect
  • Occular defect
  • Epilepsy/ seizure
  • Mental retardation
  • 50% of the patients are severely mentally retarded
  • 25% have moderate mental retardation
  • 25% have borderline mental retardation

How to Treat-

  • Physical therapy
  • Orthopedic treatment
  • Including tendon and fascia release surgeries,
  • Speech and occupational therapy
  • The prognosis of cerebral palsy depends upon the severity of the underlying damage, a child can be made independent enough to earn his living.

A complete cure is impossible since an essential part of the brain is destroyed and cannot be repaired or replaced.


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