Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dehradun

Medicinal Plants And Its Uses In Traditional Medicinal Practices Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants And Its Uses In Traditional Medicinal Practices Medicinal Plants

The Himalayas have a great wealth of medicinal plants and traditional medicinal knowledge. Medicinal plants have played an important role of primary health care system among the local people of Himalayan region. As the local people are settled far from urban area, they cannot take modern health care facilities so they are totally dependent on traditional medicinal practices for their primary health care. Out of 15,000 species of flowering plants found in India, about 17% have their medicinal value several species (1,745) are from the Indian Himalayan region, and many of these are found in Uttarakhand. Local people of this region are partially or completely dependent on forest resources for medicine, food, and fuel and medicinal species are steadily diminishing due to anthropogenic activities. The Central Himalayan Region covers the new state (Uttarakhand) of India, provides admirable opportunities for studying the Traditional Knowledge Systems. Uttarakhand has a rich variety of herbs, medicinal and aromatic plant species. The Garhwal Himalaya is one of the richest floristic zones of India and contains more than 300 species of medicinal plants. The ancient documentation of 67 medicinal plants in Hindu culture is found in the “Rigveda,” which is thought to have been written between 4,500 and 1,600 BC. Collection and trade of medicinal plants to India is a historical fact.

The herbs cultivation is providing the different prospects to the farmers and unemployed youth to get employment at their own place in Uttarakhand. The crops which are produced in Uttarakhand need a high altitude and these are traditional herbs which are difficult to grow but the environment of Uttarakhand is very cheering to the growth of these herbs. The local people of different districts in Uttarakhand are now earning large amount of money by the production of herbs like Kuth, Kutki, Lemon Grass, Ashvgandha etc. The Uttarakhand government focuses on increasing the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants of different districts, for that they are providing quality planting material and training to the farmers. The Uttarakhand governments have started different schemes for promoting herbs and medicinal plants like Jadi – Buti Yojana, National Mission on medicinal plants etc. The farmers are also supportive to the system of direct selling to agents and industries, by this they earn quick and thick amount of money. The farmers of Uttarakhand are able to export their herbs in huge quantity in the different parts of the world..

in the different parts of the world..

CONCLUSION- The Uttarakhand Himalayan people have a close relationship with nature. They are fully dependent upon forest for food, fruits, fodder, and medicinal plants for their healthcare.

Medicinal Plants And Its Uses In Traditional Medicinal Practices Medicinal Plants

Local people in this region, especially older age people, tribal people and women heavily use these traditionally available medicinal plants for health and believe that these are easily available, less expensive and have no side effects as compare to modern medicine The present situation of traditional knowledge regarding to medicinal plants everywhere is an issue of deep anxiety as the traditional knowledge is gradually declining and disappearing from the countryside. Due to the deforestation, impact of tourism on natural vegetation of this region, population explosion & heavily construction of this region for development and changing of climate in Himalayan region and many more to responsible for its.

By – Assistant Professor – Bhupendra Nautiyal
Agriculture Department
Uttaranchal (P.G.) College Of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital

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