Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dehradun

Author name: UCBMS&H

People with more friends have higher pain thresholds, study suggests

People with more friends have higher pain thresholds, study suggests

People with more friends have higher pain thresholds, study suggests Link between larger friendship circles and pain tolerance may be down to the way the brain’s endorphin system has evolved, researchers say The researchers found that larger social networks were linked to a greater pain tolerance, with the number of friends contacted on a monthly […]

People with more friends have higher pain thresholds, study suggests Read More »

New Map Tracks Germs’ Travels around Hospitals

New Map Tracks Germs’ Travels around Hospitals In the first study of its kind, researchers have conducted a yearlong survey of the bacteria in a newly constructed hospital, starting two months before the facility opened and continuing over the next 10 months. Initial results of the Hospital Microbiome Project, published today (May 24) in the

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Your Intelligence Genes - 52 and Counting

Your Intelligence Genes: 52 and Counting

Your Intelligence Genes: 52 and Counting A new study finds 52 genes that are related to intelligence — a rousing success in a field that has often struggled to find correlations between smarts and genes. The 52 genes, though, account for only about 5 percent of the variation in intelligence scores among different people. That’s

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Significance of Gut Flora-UCBMSH

Significance of Gut Flora

Significance of Gut Flora When bacteria in gut is not balance, it can cause various health problems, including neurological and psychological disorders. Some of the conditions resulting from a poor gut health are listed below: Irritable bowel syndrome – abdominal pain, bloating, Diarrhea and constipation Autoimmune diseases such as – fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and

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Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Clinical Laboratories

Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Clinical Laboratories

Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Clinical Laboratories Health care delivery is no longer a simple process of examining the patient and giving him a prescription. Over the years there has been rapid expansion in the various branches of health care services. As part of this expansion process and explosion of scientific medical knowledge, laboratory

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