Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dehradun

WHO am I as a professional Nurse Educator

WHO am I as a professional ‘’Nurse Educator’’  what would be my destiny?

What is your mission and vision for your life?

How would you achieve this?


Mrs-Lolita Lal Nursing Department  (nursing Principal )

I need to focus on not practicing against my faith, and values beliefs regardless to work with multi-cultural values and society demands. Often we passively moved throughout our life thriving, rather than just surviving, I was not able to not face my deepest fears and beliefs. I had my own identity eg; Remarkable scores, got degrees medals, comes from a reputed family but what happened after that? Why I was feeling so insecure because I know who AM I and who I was I know my hidden identity,  which reminds me to provoke us, that a had been a face mask over the years. In true words sometimes I was fails to overcome my zero confidence anxiousness.

In effect, I know who I was. Not Surprisingly, this mindset paralyzed us and prevented me  to come up with colorful butterflies that freely fly in the sky as we wish Think for a while I  have to hit rock bottom

And decided to embark on a journey of myself discovery but it would be my personal choice.

This would be difficult to accept because sometimes an unknown chest surrounds us eg. hitting my emotional threshold and Losing my job and my carrier if I have chosen this in a correct manner, soon I realize my IDENTITY, but if not I used to have was no longer useful to my present way of living and being.

I would be a paving stone that moves when hit by anyone.

It is in our hands to change our circumstances our relationships, our values our beliefs, don’t fix it off in one mindset goal they may be more identity we as nurses find our destiny in a respective way our minds should not be handled by others  How?

I observed closely every effort being made by my teachers to make patients feel good eg; how to fold and unfold bedcovers to make clients feel good, and how they were served food to patients I do the same way and I realize how great are they.

Commitment to constant and never-ending improvement

Never ever compromise for your personal sake

Be humble

And forgive others

Use simple ways that students understand and interpret each concept easily.

Find out good ways to about yourself and the world.

Because our aim is to emphasize the simplicities rather than complexities.

Once we step outside of our comfort zone (then only magic would take place) try to do things that scare you speak slowly and less, and be a good listener that makes your heart pound and sweat. Do anything that reminds your body to be alive and ideal  I believe this is the way where we can learn self-actualization and we can live our lives on purpose.

There are 3 important days in our lives – the day we born second – the day we find out why? Thirdly day of leaving this life.  Therefore, so be happy smile be cherish and faith-full what you have today don’t expect more which you don’t deserve try to learn good things, and do good for your patients and society that would a day that you can say proudly, yes I win I got my True Identity.

In my true words

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