Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dehradun

Drip Irrigation Save Water And Icrease Yield In Broccoli

Drip Irrigation Save Water And Icrease Yield In Broccoli

Water is the most important resource and limiting factor for agricultural development across India. Recently, the demand on water for agriculture has increased which has resulted in water shortages in many regions of the country particularly the old Asia. Therefore, methods which increase water use efficiency and reduce water excessive amount of water applied are of importance for conserving water. In this context, deficit irrigation can play an important role in increasing WUE and reduced amount of irrigation. Deficit irrigation is a strategy, which allows a crop to sustain some degree of water deficit during certain stages of crops or the whole season without a significant reduction in yield in order to reduce irrigation. In this study, a series of greenhouse and open field experiments were conducted using a deficit irrigation program on cucumber crops under drip irrigation during (2008–2010) growing seasons.

Drip Irrigation Save Water And Icrease Yield In Broccolis
Drip Irrigation Save Water n Icrease Yield In Broccolis

Water was added at 40, 60, 80, 100% of Etc. in addition to the traditional methods used by farmers in the region. The objective of the study was to determine the crop response factor and WUE of cucumber crop using a deficit irrigation program at different stages of growth and through the entire growing season. How much to irrigate?
Very few studies have been conducted in Hawaii to evaluate the water use of specific vegetable crops. Water use rates have been estimated based on studies conducted in temperate areas and on the few studies conducted locally. Furthermore, reported water rates for traditionally surface irrigated crops should now be calibrated to allow for the different watering patterns, and for the greater water use efficiency of drip irrigation systems.

A Solution to Optimizing Input Costs
Drip irrigation systems play an important role in reducing other input costs associated with growing corn. Utilizing a drip irrigation system can reduce: – Pumping costs (due to lower pressure and volume requirements) – Losses of chemicals and fertilizers due to inefficiencies – Reduce cost associated with weeds and plant disease – In-season cultivation – furrow making, weeding (weed pressure) and other labour intensive farm practices The chart to the right shows prices of the selected fertilizers rising. With the help of drip irrigation, there is an opportunity to increase the efficiency of fertilizer applications.

A Solution to Improve the Application of Water

A Solution to Improve the Application of Water
With drip irrigation, you can manage the timing, duration, and uniformity of the water that can be delivered at any point in the season. Additionally, drip irrigation can reduce losses in water due to seepage, transmission, evaporation, and leaks common in other methods of irrigation. In the charts below you see how yield and water needs are affected by the ability to accurately delivery water throughout the season. No other irrigation technique can provide the same level of distribution uniformity (DU) that drip. Drip irrigation systems can provide a distribution uniformity of 93% and higher.

A Solution to Improve the Application of Waters

By:- Bhupendra Nautiyal
Department of Agriculture.
Uttaranchal (P.G.) College Of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital

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