Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dehradun

Top Additives And Nutrients To Increase Plant Growth

Top Additives And Nutrients To Increase Plant Growth

What Can You Add to Your Plants and Soil To Benefit Crops?

In addition to the basics of growing cannabis: temperature, lighting, humidity, moisture, light, genetics and proper container, additives and nutrients are vital to encouraging maximum plant growth and yield. Because cannabis requires a large amount of nutrients to support its leaves and thick flowers, these top ten plant additives and soil nutrients must be included, and are mentioned in their generic form:

  1. Nitrogen is considered the first of the three basic macro-nutrients. Cannabis loves nitrogen and is the best indicator of its fertility. Nitrogen is responsible for healthy leaf growth, which is why it is needed more than the other two macro-nutrients, phosphorus and potassium, during the vegetative stage. It is hard to give too much nitrogen, however, cannabis does not need as much in the second half of the flowering stage.
  2. Phosphorus is the second of the three macro-nutrients. It is essential for protein synthesis, respiration and reproduction, which is why phosphorous is needed more than nitrogen and potassium during the flowering stage. In the initial stages of plant growth, phosphorous promotes rapid root growth and overall plant strength.
  3. Potassium is the third macro-nutrient of plant growth and is the K of NPK, which is the name plant growers use to describe these top three nutrients. Phosphorous encourages the opening and closing of plant pores, controls Co2 intake, helps the plant absorb water, nutrients and carbohydrates, and is the reason why cannabis plants create full, thick and heavy buds.
  4. Calcium is considered a minor nutrient, however, lack of its use could result in a substandard plant because calcium helps regulate the cells and influences the stability of the plant.
  5. Magnesium is another micro nutrient and is essential to photosynthesis. Without its help, plants cannot process sunlight.
  6. Sulfur is an additional micro nutrient that helps develop and activate vitamins and enzymes.
  7. Another micro nutrient, calcium, builds strong plant walls and roots.
  8. Trace nutrients include Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Nickle, Chloride and Molybdenum and are all needed for maximum plant growth and yield.
  9. B1, kelp or enzymes are typically used by experienced growers, and can also help with plant growth and yield. Other additives include amino acids, molasses, humic and fluvic acid.
  10. Commercial fertilizers that include additives and nutrients can help simplify the plant growth process and yield by providing a ready-made formula. Several varieties are on the market, including pre-fertilized soils, quick-release fertilizers, time-release fertilizers, fish emulsion, bone meal, seabird guano, blood meal, carbohydrates and more.

By – Assistant Professor – Deepmala Kandwal
Agriculture Department
Uttaranchal (P.G.) College Of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital

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