Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dehradun

Artificial Blood

Artificial Blood

Artificial blood, also called blood substitute, is a medical substance that remains today the subject of study and experiment. It aims to replace human blood in cases where a patient requires a blood transfusion but no compatible donors can be found. It may be defined as a liquid that can carry large amounts of oxygen and can serve as a temporary substitute for blood.

Every year our nation requires about 5 Crore units of blood, out of which only a meager 2.5 Crore units of blood are available.

Every two seconds someone needs blood.

There is a constant need for regular blood supply because blood can be stored for only a limited time before use.
Blood Substitutes have universal compatibility therefore typing and cross matching is not required.

The blood substitute must eliminate disease transmission such as HIV, Mad Cow Disease, and Hepatitis.

Blood substitutes have longer shelf lives than regular blood; therefore can be stored longer, whereas blood only lasts for 42 days.

Blood substitutes are more robust than regular blood and can withstand more harsh environments such as not requiring refrigeration and can be used in the pre-hospital environment.

Synthetic blood delivers oxygen to the body faster than real blood which can limit bodily injury, particularly during heart attack.

There are more operations today than in the past, many of which are elective and require large amounts of blood, on average 6 pints.

By:-Swati Sharma
Department of MLT.
Uttaranchal (P.G.) College Of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital

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