Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dehradun

Role Of Radiological Safety Officer (R.S.O.)

Role Of Radiological Safety Officer (R.S.O.)

The RSO shall be responsible for-

  1. Assist the employer in meeting the relevant regulatory requirements applicable to the x-ray installation.
  2. Ensure that the institution satisfies the licensing requirements of radiation protection rules.
  3. Ensure that patients, personnel, installations and the general community are safe guarded for hazards arising from work employing ionizing radiation.
  4. Encourage and assist staff members of the department in securing qualifications and experience necessary for the safe use of the radiation machines.
  5. Evaluate the proposal for the use of radiation equipments. It may be approved or disapproved on the basis of radiological health and safety aspects.
  6. Advice in the design of new installations in which radiation units are to be handled. Also advise any modification, if warranted, of the exiting installations. The approval of the competent authority shall be obtained prior to introducing such modification in the design.
  7. Advice and assist in solving health and safety problems encountered by staff members in their work with ionizing radiation.
  8. Make staff members aware of all new requirements pertaining to radiation protection.
  9. Conduct periodic drills to check the effectiveness of the radiation protection program in the department.
  10. Review the dose reports and take appropriate action for notification to radiation workers.
  11. Ensure that the quality assurance tests of the x-ray units and the radiation protection survey of the x-ray installations are conducted at regular intervals and as and when required.
  12. Conduct counseling session in case of over exposure. The persons who have received or suspected to have received overexposure are referred to the RSO. The RSO counsel the employer and documents the report and take necessary action.

By – Assistant Professor – Mr. Binoo
Department of Radiology
Uttaranchal (P.G.) College Of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital

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