Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dehradun


Golden Poison Arrow Frog From Columbia

The golden poison frog (Phyllobates terribilis), also known as the golden frog, golden poison arrow frog, or golden dart frog, is a poison dart frog endemic to the Pacific coast of Colombia. The optimal habitat of P. terribilis is the rainforest with high rain rates (5 m or more per year), altitudes between 100 and 200 m, temperatures of at least 26 °C, and relative humidity of 80–90%. In the wild, P. terribilis is a social animal, living in groups of up to six individuals; however, captive P. terribilis specimens can live in much larger groups. These frogs are often considered innocuous due to their small size and bright colours, but wild frogs are lethally toxic. P. terribilis is a very important frog to the local indigenous cultures, such as the Choco Embera people in Colombia’s rainforest. The frog is the main source of the poison in the darts used by the natives to hunt their food. The Emberá people carefully expose the frog to the heat of a fire, and the frog exudes small amounts of poisonous fluid. The tips of arrows and darts are soaked in the fluid, and keep their deadly effect for over two years. The golden poison frog is endemic to humid forests of the Pacific coast of Colombia. Its range is less than 5,000 square km. It is only known from primary forest. The eggs are laid on the ground; the males transport the tadpoles to permanent pools.

By:- Dr. Deepali Rana
Department of Zoology.
Uttaranchal (P.G.) College Of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital

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