Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dehradun

Wing Coupling mechanism in Insect

Wing Coupling mechanism in Insect

In several insect wings coupling mechanism seems. The fore and hind wings of either side are coupled with each other as a single unit. In primitive Pterygota fore and hind pair of wings moved independently of each other e.g. Isoptera and Odonata. Higher pterygotes have attained virtual dipterous by coordinated wing movements. Both the pairs of wings move synchronously. The wing coupling is done mostly with the help of lobes or spines lying at wing and humeral lobe at the base of the costal margin of hind wings. Both lobes contain setae. The humeral lobe specially bears the frenular bristles. Some trichoptera have a strong jugal lobe which lies beneath the costal margin of the hind wing so that this is held between the jugum and the rest of the forewing. This is called Jugate wing coupling. Many Lepidoptera have frenulum developed and engaging with a catch or retinaculum on the underside of the forewing so that the wings are firmly coupled. This is frenate coupling. Female noctuids, for instance have from 2 to 20 frenular bristles and a retinaculum of forwardly directed hairs on the underside of the cubital vein, in the male the frenular bristles are fused together to form a single stout. In Hymenoptera, have a row of hooks, the hamuli, along the costal margin of the hind wing which catch into a fold of the fore wing.

By – HOD -Dr. Mamta Joshi
Uttaranchal (P.G.) College Of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital

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