Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dehradun

Social Activity at Maldevta

“Social Activity at Maldevta”

Introduction: As a part of academic activity, a social activity was organized by Students from the Department of Environmental Sciences. The activity started at 9.30 am and continued till 1 pm. The activity was educational in all the respect. This activity covered the awareness of conserving the Natural Resources and protecting the area from solid wastes.

An awareness programme to manage the solid waste and the cleanliness drive to conserve the water bodies (i.e. Baldi River and Sone River) was carried out in the nearby region that may deplete due to anthropogenic activities which is a great threat to water resources. The increasing settlement and pollution level in the nearby area may lead to the depletion of this water resources and soil fertility. The message was given to the localites that there is a great need to conserve them for the preservation of Bio-resources.

Conclusion: Students created awareness among the local people and carried out cleanliness drive regarding importance of the water resource and soil fertility and management of solid wastes for local environment


Date of Activity:

  • (29 OCTOBER 2018)

Organised By:  

  • Environmental Sciences Department

Objective of Social Activity:  

  • Aware local people about Solid Waste Management and Cleanliness drive

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